VCI Desiccants Silica Gel Bags

Silica Gel with VCI Desiccants, which attracts and holds water by absorption and capillary condensation, allowing Silica gel/ VCI desiccants to adsorb about 25% plus of its weight in water.

Silica Gel with VCI Desiccants performs best at room temperatures (70° to 90° F) and high humidity (60% to 90% Rh) and will drop the relative humidity in a container down to around 40 Rh

High crush strength and high porosity
Remains dry and free flowing even when saturated
Chemically inert and Non-Corrosive

It’s an additional secondary protection for machine I components packed in a VCI Paper bag or in Aluminum Foil bag under extreme humid conditions.

For protecting components packed in ordinary poly bags or in boxes I cartons under low humidity and where climatic conditions are not so severe or where protection required is not critical.